How to look after an older pet

Just like people, old pets tend to slow down and start suffering from a range of geriatric medical problems. Here's some tips to make your cat or dog's twilight years more comfortable.

Top tips for older pet care

• Aging pets can suffer from hearing loss. Make sure your old pet can hear you by changing your tone, such as speaking in a loud and deep voice.

• Aging pets may lose some sight or suffer blurred vision. Though they can still see, their vision may be hazy. It is normal for aging eyes to change colour slightly. Consult a Vet if your dog experiences a rapid loss of sight or you suspect something more serious is going on.

• Old dogs suffer from aches and pains as well as arthritis. They might take a little longer getting up or jumping into a car. Ask your vet about pain-relieving arthritis medication and glucosamine supplements.

• Cats can also get arthritis. Both cats and dogs that are aging need comfortable bedding that is raised off the ground for a good night's sleep and comfy resting area.

• Dogs can also become grumpy with old age or even suffer from dementia. Be sure to introduce new people slowly and gently. Consult a Vet when your pet starts to show signs of aging to ensure that your dog or cat lives healthily and happily into old age.

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